Atlas Township Assessor

The Assessor’s Office is responsible for the inventory and valuation of all taxable property within Atlas Township/Village of Goodrich. The township assessor is Bill Thompson. He is in the office 9:00am-5:00pm Mondays. Atlas Township Offices are located at 7386 Gale Rd. Grand Blanc, MI 48439. You may reach Bill by calling 810-636-2548. Ext. 307 or by emailing Calls/emails will be answered within 7 business days. To arrange a meeting with the assessor please email or call. In the event you are having difficulty reaching Bill please contact the Township Supervisor at or by calling 810-636-2548.

Assessment Information Requests

Owners may visit Atlas Township and request record cards, valuation statements and sketches of your property Monday-Thursday 8:30am-5pm. Or you may visit the Atlas Township website BS&A at the following link:

Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA) should be requested from the supervisor’s office (see above for contact info).

Assessment Appeals

Notice of Assessments are mailed mid-end of February each year. This is an opportunity for owners to review assessed/taxable values, Principal Residence/Qualified Agricultural Exemption Percentages, Property Classification and estimated increase in taxes. In the event you do not agree with the information it is suggested you have a discussion with the assessor. If you cannot reach an agreement it is suggested to make an appointment with the March Board of Review. Meeting dates and times are on the bottom of your notice. March is the only time to appeal your residential assessment.

July & December Board of Review meet to address Qualified Errors & Poverty Exemptions. They have no authorization to hear valuation appeals.

Michigan Tax Tribunal     

If a property owner is not satisfied with the March Board of Review decision, you may appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal at

Legal Description Discrepancies

Issues with Legal Descriptions should be emailed to Bill. Please include all documents you are referencing, clearly identify the error and what you believe the correct legal is.

Property Reviews

The State of Michigan recommends that assessing departments review 20% of the parcel count annually. The assessing department may visit your property, identify themselves to review the house, outbuildings, porches, decks, etc. In the event no one is home a business card will be left at the front door. You may call the assessor’s office to discuss our visit.

Real & Personal Property Exemption Applications

All applications must be filled out in their entirety, signed, dated, notarized, and all information provided by December 1st to be considered eligible for the following year’s assessment. In the event your application is after December 1st it will be treated as timely filed by the next December 1st deadline. All applications will be answered with an approval or denial letter. If approved, you may still be required to pay special assessments (if applicable). If you are denied you may appeal the denial to the Michigan Tax Tribunal (see above).