Atlas Township Clerk
Toni A. Yaklin
Atlas Township Deputy Clerk
Lexi Christner
Township Clerk’s Responsibilities
The statutory duties of the clerk are numerous, technical and legally essential to the proper operation of municipal government. The township clerk is in charge of all elections conducted within the township and is chairperson of the election commission.
The clerk is also in charge of voter registration within the township and must keep appropriate voter registration records. Among the various records required to be kept by the clerk is an official ordinance book containing all the duly adopted ordinances of the township.
The clerk has custody of all records, books, and papers of the township. The clerk is also required to keep a separate account for each of the several funds belonging to the township, crediting and debiting the same in accordance with the proper receipts and warrants drawn by the township treasurer.
The clerk is responsible for the detailed account records of the township utilizing the uniform chart of accounts prescribed by the State Treasurer. The clerk must also prepare and maintain the journals and ledgers necessary to reflect the assets, liabilities, fund equities, revenues and expenditures for each fund of the township.
The clerk must file and retain all certificates of oaths and other papers required to be filed in clerk’s office. The township clerk is the records keeper of the township they must maintain accurate records and an organized filing system of township contracts, resolutions, ordinances and other special proceedings or activities. Everything essentially begins and ends in the Clerk’s office.