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Atlas Township Supervisor
Jim Busch (810) 636-2548
The supervisor is frequently the first official contacted about any township business or complaint and is often perceived as the township spokesperson. The supervisor is the chief assessing officer of the township. The supervisor is the township’s agent for transacting all legal business upon whom suits may be brought and defended and upon whom all process against the township is served. The supervisor must prepare and administer the annual budget under policies formulated by the township board and keep the board fully advised at all times as to the financial condition and needs of the township. Planning commission members are appointed by the supervisor, with the township board approval. In the event of a disaster or emergency within the township the supervisor is the emergency management coordinator. The supervisor manages and supervises all public improvements, works and undertakings of the township. The supervisor is responsible to see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the township or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise or in a any contract are faithfully kept and performed. The supervisor is to assume all the duties and responsibilities as personnel director of all township employees. The supervisor’s responsibilities are varied.
Clerks Office
Atlas Township Clerk
Toni A. Yaklin
Atlas Township Deputy Clerk
Lexi Christner
Township Clerk’s Responsibilities
The statutory duties of the clerk are numerous, technical and legally essential to the proper operation of municipal government. The township clerk is in charge of all elections conducted within the township and is chairperson of the election commission. The clerk is also in charge of voter registration within the township and must keep appropriate voter registration records. Among the various records required to be kept by the clerk is an official ordinance book containing all the duly adopted ordinances of the township. The clerk has custody of all records, books, and papers of the township. The clerk is also required to keep a separate account for each of the several funds belonging to the township, crediting and debiting the same in accordance with the proper receipts and warrants drawn by the township treasurer. The clerk is responsible for the detailed account records of the township utilizing the uniform chart of accounts prescribed by the State Treasurer. The clerk must also prepare and maintain the journals and ledgers necessary to reflect the assets, liabilities, fund equities, revenues and expenditures for each fund of the township. The clerk must file and retain all certificates of oaths and other papers required to be filed in clerk’s office. The township clerk is the records keeper of the township they must maintain accurate records and an organized filing system of township contracts, resolutions, ordinances and other special proceedings or activities. Everything essentially begins and ends in the Clerk’s office.
Treasurer’s Office
Atlas Township Treasurer
Ann Marie Moore (810) 636-2548
Deputy Treasurer
Dawn Yon
Township Treasurer’s Responsibilities
Upon receipt of the tax roll, the treasurer shall proceed to collect taxes, account for, and deliver to the county treasurer and other tax assessing entities. There are two types of taxes the treasurer is charged with collecting: real property taxes and personal property taxes. The tax amount is based on the taxable value of the property and the millage assessed by the entity.
By State statute, the treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township or which are required by law to be paid into the township treasury, and to pay over and account for the funds according to law or township board decision.
It is very important that the township treasurer diligently maintain accurate records of all income, receipts, and disbursements. The treasurer should maintain a uniform system of accounting as promulgated by the state treasurer and should keep an accurate accounting for each township fund so that s/he can accurately report on the status of those funds.
Atlas Township Trustees
Tracy Butcher – tbutcher@atlastownship.org
Patrick Major – pmajor@atlastownship.org
As the name implies, a trustee is an individual placed in a position of public trust with fiduciary responsibilities to manage the affairs of the township for the best interest of the public. The trustee has the responsibility to attend township board meetings and participate in decisions and deliberations.
Like the supervisor, clerk and treasurer, the trustees are members of the township board with an equal vote in legislative and administrative government decisions within the jurisdiction of the township board. Unlike the supervisor, clerk and treasurer, however, trustees are not delegated specific statutory duties and responsibilities. Trustees serve terms of four years just like the supervisor, clerk and treasurer.
Trustees should be given an opportunity to investigate and study important decisions before voting. Trustees are frequently given additional duties and responsibilities by township board action.